DMAIC Concept - Analyze Phase

Posted by Naruto Episodes Insight | 3:29 PM

If Measure Phase is considered the critical phase, then the Analyze phase is the heart of the project. The Analyze phase identifies and verifies the critical inputs that affect the key outputs to the process, project, or system being studied. In this phase data is systematically collected and analyzed to determine the significance of the inputs on the outputs.

The data that is collected is gathered systematically. the systematically synonyms: methodically, thoroughly, steadily, analytically, and scientifically. It is important to emphasize this point for it is the key to effective problem solving (Six Sigma Methodology). Most problem solving is done with passive collection of data. The data is usually historical or what is currently coming from the system under investigation. This approach may not represent the current state or an unknown anomaly occurring at that moment.

There must be a plan for collecting the data, under controlled conditions, to understand, analyze, and interpret the data correctly. While there are a variety of tools used at this phase, the most powerful, is Design of Experiments. By setting up the DOE, a systematic plan is created for turning on and off inputs while collecting data on the outputs. This allows you to not only see if the inputs themselves affect the outputs; but if there is an interaction between the inputs.

As the system is run, the inputs of volume and pressure are changed according to the matrix and the resulting weight is recorded. This data is statistically analyzed to determine if volume, pressure, or the interaction of volume and pressure have an effect on weight. It is this analysis that can pinpoint the areas for improvement.

This has been a very brief explanation of the Analyze phase and the one tool, DOE, which is basic to most Six Sigma projects. Understanding and using DOE takes training and experience to utilize it effectively. When used effectively, an organization can gain understanding into its processes or systems that it would not have thought possible. This can result in increased productivity and decreased costs